Sydney Family with Primary School Aged Children


We had always wanted to host an au pair however it was not until the kids were in primary school we made the leap.  We had a few boxes to tick; a lover of sports,  someone who was fond of pets (we have two dogs and a cat) and they had to enjoy music.

So how did we start? Well the first few days we were all on our best behaviour. Clean house, pancakes for breakfast and German bread for lunch. And then of course life took over. The kids started arguing, the breakfast switched back to cereal, and the bread came from the local supermarket.

While we all settled in to life with an au pair, I did wonder in those first two weeks if we had made the right decision. That changed one evening when I pulled into our driveway and I heard the sounds of laughter…. a lovely sound to hear! For a parent coming home to belly laughter from my children was an epiphany of sorts; proof that we made the right decision.

Our Au Pairs have been tested at times; homework deadlines, so many activities to learn plus the challenges of living away from their own families and navigating it all in English - it must not be easy. However each have managed to over come those challenges and have become a truly loved member of our family. In fact we still keep in touch with all our former Au Pairs!

It has been an amazing experience and one that has truly enriched our family. For families considering it for the first time I would encourage you to take the plunge.